Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A birthday for Autumn!!

Autumn turned 3!! Hooray!!
To celebrate I took my family to the Zoo for some special time with the animals :) 
It was so awesome to share what I do with everyone.
The weather was so nice too! 

Learning about the animal's diets

 Charlie and Liam with a lemur

So cool!
 Henry the Hippo
 Hungry, hungry hippo...

We had such an awesome day! Along with Lemurs, Tortoises and Henry, we spent the day with tigers, feeding Zebras, Otters and Pelicans.  Such a fun day! Thanks Erin for helping me out with this!

Happy Birthday Autumn!

Christmas Recap

My little family had a wonderful Christmas full of candy, eggnog, presents, and lots of family time. Autumn and Liam were loaded with special things including a baby tiger from Santa for Autumn and a gargantuan stuffed sheep dog for Liam.
Joe and Annie 

 Reading together :)

 Christmas Eve

After Santa came :)

 A baby tiger for Autumn

 Filled Stockings!

Watching "The Goonies" movie that Liam got for Christmas


Do you ever get the feeling that you are not where you are supposed/need to be? 
I have that feeling. Right. Now.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dear Autumn,


  On January 3, 2008 your father and I rushed ourselves to the hospital... Just in time too, my labor with you was only 45 minutes long.
We were SO excited to see you and your full head of red hair.
You seemed to be happy to see us too, you were smiling an hour after you were born...
You were SO little! Only 6 lbs...
But you were the spunkiest little person your father and I had ever met.
You were the most beautiful little munchkin in all the land
 At 4 months old, you lost all your hair... But that didn't dampen your spirits, you were still the prettiest little 
girl in the world
Even though still very small, you enjoyed adventures and have always had the bravest of hearts
 You were and will always be a daddy's girl. 
You have an "understanding" that I will never compare to.
 You take after me though, and can't help but love all animals
You are such a sweet spirit that the animals love and trust you back without question.
You are so much fun! Your laugh and humor could brighten the darkest day.
 Your sweet smile brings such peace and love to my heart.
 You have always loved the outdoors and found joy in the simplest of things. 
You are such an amazing example. 
 Your father and I love you more than anything.
 Autumn my dear, you are such a beautiful amazing girl. You brighten up the lives of everyone you meet.  You have such compassion and love for such a small little person.  You are such a gift.  I adore you. 
Please always stay my best friend, my dear little one.  

Happy 3 birthday my dear, sweet Autumn.
I hope your day and all the days to come are filled with magic.
