Monday, August 4, 2008


I have slacked off on this "blogging" business. We have just been so busy getting everything settled. I am overjoyed to be here, it is so much nicer and comforting than Springfield MO. We are at my grandparents house for a time, until we can get school and everything figured. I love being with my grandma and grandpa, I feel like I am finally catching up on time lost from my life with them. Charlie really loves it here. He likes the mountains and the off-roading adventures :). We went exploring in Payson this past weekend, it was awesome, we just kept taking random dirt roads in the middle of the desert. Autumn is busy teething... it is TERRIBLE! I feel so bad about having such a cranky baby in the house... I am quickly trying to find a way to settle her down. I miss my family (specifically my mom :( ...) but I am still having a good time. Charlie has a new job. He started today... He rode his bike about 20 miles to work today, and plans on riding home too. I hope he isn't over doing it and has enough water... my poor red-head husband...

New Information I have learned:
NEVER see the new Mummy movie. TERR-I-B-B-BLE , that is, unless you go with people that want to just make fun of it...

My goals for today:
-Get my child to stop screaming all the time.
-Organize our little room
-Finish unpacking
-Plan Charlie's Birthday

My goals for the week:
-Make friends
-Gain better self-esteem
-Make the largest cupcake the world has ever seen

I will keep everyone updated on how my goals go...


The Sorensens. said...

yay! finally a new post!!...i havent been the best lately at blogging either bc we just moved! you need to come visit justin & i-wanna this week sometime!!? i need to see autumn :)

The Sorensens. said...

i left you a comment a few days back...i dont know why it didnt show up?? anyways, you guys should come visit sometime!